Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sustainable - Lessons learned the hard way

My writing style is still feeling forced and in brain freeze mode, but there is work to be done!

What I learned over the past few weeks is my current way of "functioning" was NOT sustainable.  I was doing well balancing everything that needed done - work, school, house, crafting - and then the final straw landed at my feet.  This caused many near sleepless nights, leading to disrupted days.  This snowballed over the other stuff making even simple things seem overwhelming and difficult.

I had hit the proverbial brick wall - crashed and was burning.

That's how I describe this past week.  During this "crash and burn" week, I realized I had let some things take too much of my time, while letting other things slip and get pushed aside.  Some of these things weren't a big deal - others were.

I have limited amounts of time and energy.  It all gets spent.  It's time for me to refocus what I can onto what I want the focus to be on.  I must learn to live within my means - not only in the financial sense, but time, energy, focus, talent, desire.  I must determine - once again - what is important to me, discarding that which does not fit within.



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